Instant Valuation

Branch address

Regal Asset Managers Limited
T/A Regal Estates
383 High Road, Willesden
London NW10 2JR

T: 020 8459 2530

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 9.00AM – 6.00PM
Saturday: 9.30AM – 3.00PM
Sunday: Closed.

If you call the office outside of these hours please feel free to leave a message and one of our team will get back to you during opening hours.

Out of hours

Emergency contact numbers:

T: <

Research and Compliance

As members of ARLA Propertymark, NAEA Propertymark, The Property Ombudsman and My Deposits (tenancy deposit protection scheme), we are able to keep our customers up-to-date with any changes to property compliance laws and regulations, ensuring your property always meets legal requirements and remains market ready.

British Property Awards Gold Winner Letting Agent in NW10

Regal Estates are Gold Award Winners for customer service in NW10, just another reason to choose Regal Estates, find out more here.

Step-by-step Guidance

At Regal Estates we provide a comprehensive end-to-end service designed to help you through every step of your property journey. While this can be particularly helpful to those entering the property market for the first time, our expertise can also assist anyone with more experience, helping you achieve your financial aims.

Get in touch

Get in touch

If you’re looking to buy, sell, let or rent property in Willesden Green or the surrounding North West London area, get in touch with our friendly team today who will be happy to help.