Instant Valuation

Branch address

Regal Asset Managers Limited
T/A Regal Estates
383 High Road, Willesden
London NW10 2JR

T: 020 8459 2530

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 9.00AM – 6.00PM
Saturday: 9.30AM – 3.00PM
Sunday: Closed.

If you call the office outside of these hours please feel free to leave a message and one of our team will get back to you during opening hours.

Out of hours

Emergency contact numbers:

T: <

Stage 2. In person property appraisal

Stage 2. In person property appraisal

We will visit your property and discuss the current market conditions and the potential rent you can request for your property. We’ll also discuss the legal requirements and legislation you’ll need to comply with and how we can help you.

Stage 3.

Formal Appraisal Outcome and Next Steps

We will send you a formal appraisal via email as well as our terms of business and next steps for when you decide to proceed with us.

Stage 4.

Marketing your property

We will arrange full marketing of your property to showcase it in its best light and ensure it attracts the right tenants as per your requirements and the current market.

Click here to see how we market your property. We use various marketing tools, including professional photography, state-of-the-art virtual 360 tours, and floorplans.

We will aim to attract the most ideal tenants and advertise on all the mainstream property portals, including but not limited to RightmoveZoopla and OnTheMarket. We are one of a few estate agents that use all of the major marketing platforms to reach as many potential tenants as possible.

Stage 5.

Accompanied Viewings & Offers

We will carry our accompanied viewings with pre-vetted applicants.

As a landlord, you will receive an SMS message and email when we carry out the viewings, so you know when we are in and out of your property. We will present all offers to you immediately with further guidance on response and the next steps.

Stage 6.

Offer acceptance and reference checks

Once you have accepted an offer, we will take a holding deposit from the tenant and commence referencing checks, including credit checks, affordability checks, employment and previous landlord checks, and guarantor checks, if applicable.

Once all the necessary checks have been concluded, we will draw up the tenancy agreement and tenancy-related documents that need to be issued to tenants, including deposit protection certification.

Stage 7.

Tenancy Sign up & Inventory

We will make sure the tenancy documents are signed by all parties involved. We will also arrange a professional and thorough inventory report signed off by the tenant. Depending on your package, we will also carry out utility transfers where required.

To conclude, we will arrange key collection from our office by the tenant or in-person check-in.

Stage 8.

Property Management

If you have opted for our rent collection or property management package, you will be passed over to our Property Management Team, who will liaise with you and your tenants.

You will also be required to register on our PropertyFile App, where you’ll have access to key tenancy documents and details on the go.

Landlord Fees

For a complete list of our landlord fees, click the button below.

Letting your property in Willesden

If you would like to know more about our letting process and services, please get in touch with one of our letting agents in Willesden Green, who will be happy to assist you.

Book a professional valuation

Book a professional valuation

If you would like to find out your property’s rental value, book a Free, No obligation appointment with our valuations team today, who will be able to provide an accurate market appraisal based on local knowledge and market expertise.